The Burning Wire A Lincoln Rhyme Novel by Deaver - 2011] (Paperback) Reprint Edition


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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I fell in love with the Lincoln Rhyme series and ordered all the books I was missing. Haven't read this one yet, but I'm sure it will be as good as the others. Arrived in perfect order in a timely manner.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really cant give this book a proper review because I had too may interruptions & could never quite get into the story. I usually like Jeffrey Deaver books but I couldn't get into this one. Maybe this winter when I'm snowed in I'll try to read it again.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tanya m
What you learn about electricity is perhaps the most interesting part of the novel. The plot is not believable, the characters interesting but with unreal attributes, the coincidences preposterous, and the writing inconsistent.
Double Cross (Kindle Single) :: Edge :: XO: A Kathryn Dance Novel :: The Burning Wire: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel :: A Maiden's Grave
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth granger
A Lincoln Rhyme book with the usual twists and turns that keeps me coming back for more. I liked learning more about how electricity works and the dangers involved plus the extra twist at the end was great!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jean israel
Unfortunately I could not get through this book and had to give it to the 2nd hand store half way through it. it's much too technical regarding the electrical power that runs under New York City. No action only uninteresting electrical stuff that is very difficult to understand. All other Jeffery Deaver books I couldn't wait to get my hands on and loved every word of them. This was a big disappointment.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alison naney
I have loved the Lincoln Rhyme books for years. They were sharp, exciting, cerebral and made perfect use of forensic data to solve puzzles that ultimately undid the bad guy. Deaver was on my A+ list which is comprised of about 3 authors whose books I buy in hard cover. The books have been slowly getting worse and this one probably knocked him off my A+ list. Rather than being a hair ahead, Rhymes seems oddly distracted and ineffectual. And then there is the ending. Without giving anything away, it entails an enormous suspension of disbelief to buy the motive for all this mayhem. Far too complex. I gave it three stars out of product loyalty, but if it had been a new author for me it would have gotten less.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Good, but, predictable,
if you follow the Lincoln Rhymes series. New weapon of choice is electricity which is different. Other than that not much change. Unless Rhymes gets walking , I don't see this series getting better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abe poetra
Even though each book contains the same outline of a mystery, the mystery/thriller is woven with many thoughts/facts about who could be the Unsub. I love Deaver's main topics because I always learn so much. This mystery involves electricity and how it can kill a human being...flip side is how dependent we are on it as a society. Cartels exist in all walks of life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandhya jain patel
All of the Lincoln Rhyme novels are terrific. He's a wonderful character as are the supporting characters. He does a wonderful job of creating suspense and uncertainty and invents truly evil, twisted and vile characters who are almost completely believable. It's always a scary ride and for anyone interested in forensic science, it's a lot of fund and educational.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was actually enjoying the mystery and the suspense, but it gradually dawned on me that Deaver had a political agenda here--through his characters, he mocks the environmentalist movement and their motives, even concocting a sinister eco-terrorist group. Jeffrey, I like your storytelling, but I do not like your politics. Doubt I'll be reading any more of your books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Been hooked on Lincoln Rhyme since the first. I do not know where Deaver researchers his info regarding the procedures available to spinal injury patients but it is certainly up to date. Good series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Any Lincoln Rhyme novel is all in the details. Lots of details. And this book is no different. There is more information about electricity, and how it is created and distributed, its effect and dangers, than you could possibly wish for. The plot involves a series of attacks, initially when an "arc flash" is triggered from a substation of Manhattan's electrical system, hitting a parked bus and killing a man about to board.

Other attacks, and murders, occur, accompanied by demands for the electric grid be reduced or shut for periods of time. Enter Rhyme and his team, collecting and analyzing evidence recovered from the various crime scenes. Clues vary, motives are unclear, and the work goes on with few results. Meanwhile, a subplot involves an old adversary, the Watchmaker, who is reported to be in Mexico City.

With the usual fact piled on fact, Deaver builds the story to a surprising conclusion. In fact, there is an earlier surprise, as Rhyme goes through some serious introspection regarding his severely limited physical condition. Presumably, more to come in later entries in the series.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather timko
Jeffrey Deaver is offering his readers a Lincoln Rythme more human than his others books which is different and interesting. He makes some mistakes and is troubled by his health. Very good book with some twists that readers can figure but want to know how it will be put together in the end
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really cant give this book a proper review because I had too may interruptions & could never quite get into the story. I usually like Jeffrey Deaver books but I couldn't get into this one. Maybe this winter when I'm snowed in I'll try to read it again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another good police procedural dealing with a guy who uses electricity as his weapon. Key to the plot: Old grudges don't die until the criminal tries to kill all his past enemies. Lots of terrific information on the human dangers in power grids, feeder lines and transormer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason cunningham
At first I thought I would rapidly loose interest. But the longer I read the more I wanted to read this astoundingly gripping novel. So involved and so well thought out before the author put pen to paper (or fingertips to the keyboard) that it seems he forgot absolutely nothing!
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